
Published on:

2nd Sep 2019

#11 – Social Justice: The Trojan Horse – Part 2

Throughout the history of the Church, God has raised up men of conviction who followed in the footsteps of the Apostles and fought off heretical and godless ideologies. These men used the only analytical tool that has the power to destroy arguments and every lofty opinion that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, that is the Gospel. Men like Tertullian, Ignatius, Athanasius, Augustine, Huss, Wycliffe, Luther, Calvin, Knox, Tyndale, Spurgeon, Warfield, and Machen fought courageously to defend the purity of the Gospel. Today that battle continues. Men have risen from among our ranks and are introducing destructive ideologies and heresies that have slipped in through the “Trojan Horse” of Social Justice. Russell Moore, Thabiti Anywabile, Matt Chandler, Matthew Hall, Jarvis Williams, Curtis Wood, Eric Mason, J.D. Greear, Tim Keller, Ekemini Uwan, Jackie Hill Perry, Jemar Tisby, Mark Dever, Jonathan Leeman, Isaac Adams, David Platt and many more, are either adamantly teaching or passively permitting this godless ideology to spread through the church.  Where are the Spurgeons of our day?  Where are the Christians who will fight against this wickedness and join the ranks of those who boldly stand for the Gospel and care more about truth than their own reputation? In this four-part series entitled “Social Justice: The Trojan Horse”, we will define the modern-day heresy of Social Justice, name names of those who are promoting it and provide you with the only analytical tool that can refute it: the Gospel. So, please join us now, as we take this time to “Stop and think about it.” “Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. 4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” (Jude 3-4).   Episode Navigation: 00.00 - Intro 03:40 - Naming Names. 4:40 - Responding to Mark Dever on Driving While Black. 07:40 - Mark Dever and the media narrative of Police Brutality. 11:20 - Responding to John Onwuchekwa on walking while black and white privilege. 20:00 - Black parents more worried about children getting shot by other blacks than by police. 24:05 -Responding to Matt Chandler on white privilege. 39:30 - Responding to Mark Dever on one issue voting. 48:00 - Responding to Ekemini Uwan on whiteness is wicked 51:20 - Responding to Isaac Adams and 9Marks on More Christian than Black or White. 58:40 - There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1). 102:15 - Responding to Thabiti Anyabwile on white evangelicals being complicit. 118:30 - Racial Reconciliation or Reconciliation with God? 126:20 - Four Points of Application and Closing.
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About the Podcast

Stop and Think About It
This podcast is for the Christian thinker who desires to be edified, challenged, convicted, informed and transformed by God's truth through well-reasoned dialogue that is grounded in and aligned with scripture.
Stop and Think About It is the podcast of Soulfishing Ministries, a non-profit ministry which can be found at www.soulfishingministries.org, under Grace Baptist Church (GBC). It is hosted by Phil Sessa, "The Bronx Expositor" who is both the director of Soulfishing Ministries, and one of the elders of GBC, and co-hosted by Glenroy Clarke, "The West Indian Word Smith" and deacon of GBC.

About your host

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Andrew Rappaport